Beautiful, simple, inspiring.
I’m going to need a lot of help
to become a good caregiver.
I’m counting on you, God, for that.
Help me grow patience for this journey.
Help me forgive myself for all the ways I fail.
Show me how to see that heart within
that longs for unconditional love,
just like me.
Show me how to know that soul
that shines in the light of divine love,
just like mine.
Show me myself in this person.
Show me this person in me.
Help me listen to a thousand repetitions
without getting angry.
Help me to say, “Uh-Huh,” instead of
“I already told you that!”
Help me not be frightened or repelled
by a grown-up needing guidance
and help like a child.
Help me laugh when
I find sheets in the oven,
socks on hands,
underwear over pants,
someone undressed and back in bed
I just spent an hour getting up.
Help me be kind, to myslef and others.
To say, “Oh well!” when I lose my temper.
To say, “I’m sorry” when I owe it,
To say, “Never mind” and mean it,
To say, “Oops” and not scold.
Help me remind myself that,
next to the end of civilization as we know it,
this really isn’t so much.
Help me forgive this person’s illness.
Help me forgive my lack of empathy.
Help me remind myself that
I don’t have to be perfect
and, as you know, God,
that’s a good thing,
Help me to journey to the place where
it’s enough to be the people we both are.
Help me be amused instead of judgemental.
Help me stop blaming someone for their illness.
Help me be kind
instead of angry and frightened.
Help me give more than I ever got.
Help me grow into the person
who can love everyone exactly as they are,
including me.
Help me be willing
to become my parent’s parent
instead of resisting with anger.
Help me learn how to have fn,
how to travel into different time zones
with my parent
who thinks this is 1928 in South Dakota.
Help me understand
that when my 88-year-old mother
asks me when her mother is coming home
it means she needs a mother.
Help me be that mother.
Help me think about the fact
that sometimes everyone feels
like a motherless child.
Help me feel that gap.
Help me know and understand that
as I become what others need
I become that for myself.
I’d be really grateful, Lord,
if you could do all that for me really fast.
Or maybe at least,
you could rush me some patience.
Thank you.
(c) Frena Gray-Davidson
Author of “Alzheimer’s 911”
Help, Hope, and Healing for the Caregiver
- This poem may be copied and used freely as long as proper credit is given (author, publisher, and web sites) and it is not sold.
Robert D. Reed Publishers
P.O. Box 1992
Bandon, OR 97411
If I can stop crying, I'll print this for my prayer, instead of "Father, HELP!. So perfect. My husband was diagnosed only a few months ago, at 86. It began years ago, but it seemed "normal aging". Such a shock, and I'm having to learn so much so fast. Medical help is no help at all. Thank you so much.
Thanks again for your help and support.
You said everything I think and hope for with my husband.
I wish I could be as good to him,as he has been to me, for over 50 years.
The scriptures say "He giveth more grace". May that be so for all of us.
My husband is in early stages of this disease. He sees what is happening to him and he says,"I an not the man I use to be." He was a firefighter his whole life and he saved many and some not so fortunate. Bless him with me Lord that I will never forget his strength and hard work that he has given to so many. I pray that you will give me the strength to always choose the right words to serve him always.